About Us
At Southern Sentinel Security, we help managed service providers secure their clients through white-label penetration testing and security assessments.
We love to help other businesses protect their data and important information by keeping the bad guys out.
Why We Do What We Do
Here’s a real-life story of how we helped a local municipality. A small managed service provider signed on with us to perform a penetration test because this particular municipality had previously been the victim of cyber-attacks. When we performed our assessment, we found that we were able to access very sensitive information regarding police files in around 2 hours of work.
Our results allowed the managed service provider to fix this issue and other vulnerabilities. The next time we did an assessment for this municipality we spent 8 hours before we were able to make any meaningful progress. It’s this type of incremental progress that allows organizations to mature when it comes to their cybersecurity, keeping their clients, customers, employees, and company information safe.

A Unique Approach to Cybersecurity
Our penetration testing services are among the best in the industry, but our business model varies from many of our competitors. We offer flat rate pricing for unlimited scope, which is rare in the industry.
All of our penetration testers are highly trained and certified, and our engineers are required to take at least 40 hours of continuing education every year.
Our services are white-labeled to match your branding: we include your logo with your colors and provide a remediation portal so you can track your remediation efforts for an entire year. Our services are sold as an annual subscription, making the process as seamless and convenient as possible.
On the philanthropic side, we give 10% of our profits back to local communities in the form of cybersecurity and IT certification training for high school juniors and seniors looking to enter the industry. This allows us to give back and help train the next generation of penetration testers and IT professionals.
Dedication To Your Clients
When you work with us, you’ll discover just how dedicated we are to keeping your clients safe. From the first consultation, until our testing is complete, we’ll do whatever it takes to make sure you are completely satisfied. We’ve performed more than 100 penetration tests and identified more than 1,500 different vulnerabilities this year alone, and we’re always ready to do the same for you.